Native American Culture - Language: the Key to Everything | Ron (Muqsahkwat) Corn, Jr. | TEDxOshkosh
Ron (Muqsahkwat) Corn, Jr |
• November 2018
One of the most significant losses to the Native American culture is the loss of the indigenous language. This talk addresses the need to revitalize the Menominee Native American language.
NOTE: The opening and closing moments of this talk are spoken in the endangered Menominee language, currently understood by only a few dozen people worldwide. English subtitles have been provided, and should appear soon after the video is posted. English translations of those segments follow:
My fellow Menominee, all my relations and everyone who is present here. Thank you I say to all of you for gathering here. Now I will speak a little...
I am from the land of the Menominee and I am Bear clan. My grandmother comes from Keshena, Enae:mae:hku:kiw is my mother, Ne:powew-awae:hsaeh is my father, Mahwae:hsaeh is my brother, Ne:pen-a:nakwatu:kiw is my sister. My wife is Awae:hse:saeh and we have 5 children. First born is Omiyosokwewo-opimohtet, then my daughter Waqseci:wan, my son Ci:na:nakwat and also my daughter Nani:maqowiakiw. My last born is Maeqnakwahku:kiw I also have one grandson: he is Powehkaneh.
When I think about what it means to be Menominee I know that learning our language did a lot for me. As we continue into the future we must remember our ancestors, our fellow living beings, and those still to come in the future. All my relations, that is it.
Ron (Muqsahkwat) Corn, Jr. is a member of the Menominee Nation, a nation with a history in what is now called Wisconsin, that goes back farther than any other modern group of people.
Ron takes pride in being called a language warrior, and over the course of his life he has fought to maintain, preserve and now revitalize the unique dialect of Algonquin language. As groups continue to grow, it only matters if traditional culture and heritage teachings are honored and it has been Ron's great struggle to innovate and develop these skills to pass on to other members of the proud nation of the Menominee people. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at