The Power of Mentoring
23,148 plays|
Reggie Nelson |
• June 2019
Reggie Nelson graduated with an economics degree while studying mandarin alongside his degree, and is most recognised by the media as the young man who went ‘from East London to the City’. On his journey, Reggie completed five internships including a spring and two summer internships at Blackrock, completed an internship at Aberdeen Standard Investments and also a small hedge fund in the City of London Reggie is a Graduate Analyst at Legal and General Investment Management (LGIM) rotating across Client Business and Investments, Group Chair of the ACCA Emerging Talent Advisory Group, Founder of K3D – a social mobility enterprise, and is a youth mentor for one of the largest youth networks in the U.K. Reggie is also working with the Department for Education as they seek to address ethnic disparities and increase opportunities in higher education, and is described by the Prime Minister as a “persistent and inspiring young person”.