The Value of Mentoring Women and Minorities in Tech
Elaine Montilla |
• June 2019
Technology is about innovation, and that requires new voices at the table. Long time NYC based IT Executive Elaine Montilla who represents several minority groups highlights the need for diversity in the field of Technology, and to expand STEM learning opportunities to all children equally. As a professional unicorn this powerful Latina represents the value of diversity and an inclusive corporate culture in a typically male dominated field.
There is a huge need to increase diversity in leadership roles and to improve mentoring opportunities for women and minorities in Tech. Those in positions of influence should be actively supporting, sponsoring, and helping guide the careers of women and minorities. Mentoring has proven to be paramount in male-dominated professions. Mentors for minorities and women in Tech are the key to success as they face greater challenges building networks and developing leadership strengths.
This change in mindset will allow businesses to reach larger markets as companies with diverse and inclusive cultures see more innovation, achieve better business outcomes, and exceed financial targets.