The Most Dangerous Move: Transforming Conflict in the Age of Polarization
Chad Ford |
• February 2020
Professor, conflict meditator and former ESPN NBA Draft analyst Chad Ford looks at the conflicts that plague our world and finds human polarization lies at the center of them -- polarization at home, at work, in communities, in politics, in the world. The more divided we become, the more the conflict feels dangerous, intractable and impossible to solve. His solution? Practicing Dangerous Love. We practice Dangerous Love when we start seeing our enemies as people, engage in inside-outside transformation and roll up our sleeves and begin collaborative problem solving with our enemies. Ford shares an example of how the organization PeacePlayers is using basketball to reverse the trend of human polarization in the Palestinian - Israeli conflict and then extrapolates lessons to our own conflict in America. You can follow more of Dr. Ford’s work on his website: