While moonlighting as a research scientist, Janelle Shane found fame documenting the often hilarious antics of AI algorithms.

Why you should listen

Janelle Shane's humor blog, AIweirdness.com, looks at, as she tells it, "the strange side of artificial intelligence." Her upcoming book, You Look Like a Thing and I Love You: How AI Works and Why It's Making the World a Weirder Place, uses cartoons and humorous pop-culture experiments to look inside the minds of the algorithms that run our world, making artificial intelligence and machine learning both accessible and entertaining.

According to Shane, she has only made a neural network-written recipe once -- and discovered that horseradish brownies are about as terrible as you might imagine.

Janelle Shane’s TED talk

More news and ideas from Janelle Shane

Live from TED2019

Play: Notes from Session 9 of TED2019

April 18, 2019

The more we look, the more our digital and analog worlds are blending. What is this future we are entering? In Session 9 of TED2019, we peer into the thrilling, sometimes frightening, often hilarious world of technology. The event: Talks and tech demos from TED2019, Session 9: Play, hosted by head of TED Chris Anderson […]

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