
On September 29, 2018, the TEDx community will join forces for the second inaugural TEDxGlobalDay. Together with their teams, and virtually with teams all over the globe, TEDx organizers will spend the day focusing on the problems most urgent to their community—first by discussing potential solutions and then by participating in local action. TEDxGlobalDay is made possible with generous support from the Skoll Foundation.

How do I participate?

We invite TEDx community organizers and their teams (this is not open to the public) to spend a day together to watch a recording of We The Future in their hometown. Teams participate in a brainstorm activity focused on the ways their community can create change using a conversation guide provided by TED. Afterwards, TEDxers will go out and volunteer to help out their local communities (e.g. a field trip to clean-up waste; a visit to a non-profit; or, other creative ideas.). Sign up here to receive host information.

Please note: This initiative is for you and your TEDx team members and volunteers. It is not intended for the general public. If you'd like to participate in TEDxGlobalDay, but not as a host, please reach out to tedx@ted.com.

About We The Future

We The Future is an event created in collaboration with TED and The Skoll Foundation, held in Manhattan on the early evening of Tuesday, September 25, 2018, the same week as the gathering in New York of the United Nations General Assembly. The talks in this conference are expected to address multinational, global issues, and particularly highlight sustainable development solutions. It featured speakers and performers in an evening-length program.


What is TEDxGlobalDay?

We heard from you that you care deeply about the world’s most urgent issues, and we know that when TEDxers come together they can make a difference. This is why we created TEDxGlobalDay in 2017, and are launching it again this year! Through this initiative, we will demonstrate the power of the TEDx community to create a more connected world. We’re excited to see the impact of simultaneous conversation and action through our global community!

What is the itinerary for TEDxGlobalDay?

You will gather with your TEDx team to watch an exclusive 2-hour viewing experience of We The Future via livestream After watching We The Future, your team members will move into guided conversation curated by you and your team with the help of questions we have prepared for you. If you wish to create your own questions, you are welcome to do so. After a lunch break, the afternoon will be devoted to a team adventure of your choice.

Who is invited to participate?

TEDxers! TEDxGlobalDay is for all current TEDx organizers: license holders, team members, and volunteers. This initiative is not open to the public.

When is it?

Saturday, September 29, 2018. The program will begin in the morning and extend into the late afternoon. We think it is great for everyone to come together on the same day, but if—for a religious, cultural, or any other reason—Saturday is not ideal for you, you may organize this team gathering on Sunday the 30th), or the following weekend: Friday, October 5, Saturday, October 6, or Sunday, October 7.

Sounds good. What’s the signup process?

The first step is filling out the signup form here. After submitting, you’ll receive an email inviting you to the TEDxGlobalDay Facebook page. Closer to September 29, you’ll receive a host kit, design kit, instructions on setting up the We The Future viewing experience through TEDLive, and insight from us on ways to make your day special! Note: Since this is not an event for the public but just an internal community initiative/gathering for you and your team members, you do not need to take out a TEDx license for this gathering. This is not a TEDx event. If you'd like to participate in TEDxGlobalDay, but not as a host, please reach out to tedx@ted.com.

A host kit and a design kit?

Yes! We will send everyone hosting a TEDxGlobalDay gathering for their team both a host kit and a design kit. The host kit will include the day’s itinerary, a conversation guide, and suggested activities for your group adventures. The design kit will be a comprehensive kit that includes customizable graphics for you to use digitally or in print as you share with the TEDx community and the world what your team does for TEDxGlobalDay.

How should we use the Facebook group?

To join our Facebook page for all TEDxGlobalDay participants, complete the signup form. Once you’re in, invite all those participating in your TEDxGlobalDay to join, too. Leading up to the the day, share ideas you have for adventures and conversations, questions about the day, and what you’re most excited about.

How should we use Instagram?

On September 29, go crazy! Post pictures, videos, and any other media that captures your ideas and activities. Use our hashtag: #TEDxGlobalDay and #TEDxGlobalDay2018 and share on other social media sites as well!

How many people should I invite to join me for TEDxGlobalDay?

It’s up to you and largely depends on the size of your TEDx team. We encourage you to invite at least ten people, but use your discretion on what works best for you and your group. You may wish to just invite your closest TEDx team members, or you may wish to invite all of your TEDx volunteers.

I am not the licensee or co-organizer. Can I still organize a group?

Yes. Any current TEDx organizer (license member, team member or volunteer) can host and participate. We do ask that whomever is organizing only invites fellow team members, as this is not an event intended for the general public. This is an internal community initiative.

Can teams collaborate with one another?

Yes! Please feel free to join forces with another team to host TEDxGlobalDay together as one group. The more TEDxers coming together, the better.

What kind of space do I use to host TEDxGlobalDay?

Because these are informal gatherings of TEDx organizers and team members, where you host the gathering is up to you—so long as the space has AV capability to show the TEDGlobal>NYC livestream. You can meet at a home, a library, a school, or any venue that suits your needs best.

How does our team manage transportation, venue, and lunch costs?

We suggest that all TEDxGlobalDay participants provide their own transportation and lunch. For your venue, we encourage you to utilize places that are free or low-budget, like libraries, schools, and homes.

Can I charge admission?

No. TEDxGlobalDay is a day for organizers to collaborate in an informal setting, and we want the focus of this initiative to be on your insight, conversation, and local efforts.

Okay, I think I’m all set! Any other advice?

Yes: this is an opportunity for our organizers to take a project into their own hands and be creative with it. Program locally, but think globally. What do you think are the most pressing issues in your local community? What can you do with a team of organizers to help make a change? We believe in you and in your power as a global team. We can’t wait to see what you come up with!