x = independently organized TED event

This event occurred on
December 1, 2019
Shenzhen, Guangdong

In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized (subject to certain rules and regulations).

No.63 Qianhai Yi Lu,Nannshan District,Shenzhen City
Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518000
Event type:
Standard (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Shenzhen events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Bicheng Han

Dr. Han Bicheng's brain-computer interface company, BrainCo, and the new brain-controlled prosthetic company, BrainRobotics, occupy two places in the world's top ten brain-computer interface companies selected by the United States. He, along with Tesla's founder Elon Musk, was named one of the five innovators in the field of brain-computer interface by the American media. In 2017, He was selected as China's "top 35 scientists under 35" by MIT Technology Review, a century-old technology magazine.

Manfred Yuen 阮文韬

Manfred Yuen, founder of GROUNDWORK Architect. He is also a columnist, guest host of radio programs, and university lecturer. After few ups and downs in life, what he has been through made he rethink everything he knew about architure. With a change of perspective, he started to bring more humanities thinking into his design. He is the recipient of"The Next-Generation Architect of World Architecture"award, named one of the 45 characterized world architects under 40. 阮文韬,GROUNDWORK元新建城创办人,阮文韬具有多重身份——建筑师、专栏作家、电台节目嘉宾主持、大学讲师。而在多重身份的构成下,他执着追求设计的梦想和敢为人先的精神,他的设计结合了人文与美学带给建筑不一样的生命。 自2007年创办Groundwork以来,阮文韬一直探寻着属于他的设计之路。曾获"世界建筑下一代的建筑大师",成为45位40岁以下特色世界建筑师之一。

Ruth Perednik

Ruth is an Israel psychologist who is born in England. She is the pioneer of studing selective-mutisum. In the past 20 years, she focuses on treating kids who have selective mutisum or anxiety disorder. She also develops a therapeutic method for selective-mutisum based on cognitive ethology, which has helped over thoudsands of children overcome mutisum. Ruth Perednik,英国出生的以色列儿童心理学家,选择性缄默症领域的先驱。在过去20年中,她一直专注于治疗选择性缄默症和其他焦虑症患儿,并开发了一种基于认知行为学的选择性缄默症治疗方法,成功地帮助了数以千计的儿童走出缄默。

XY Pattern

XY Pattern art music group was established by Xu Xiaoguo and Li Yanzeng in 2015, and their work involves sounds, images, installation and some other forms of arts. XY Pattern is dedicated to provide integrated music style - by expressing art appeal from perception and experience. They mostly apply electronic instrument, images and installation to interweave a live – art experiment. XY Pattern 声音艺术小组是由徐小国与李言增于2015年共同创建,其创作涉及声音、影像、装置等艺术形式。 XY Pattern 意在提供一种融合化的工作方式,在感知与体验的双重层面中传达其艺术诉求,主要运用电子原声乐器及影像、装置交织实现场域化的艺术实践。

刘佳 Jia Liu

刘佳被誉为是“当代徐霞客”,从2004年至今的16年间,一直潜行在隐秘的洞穴世界,如今已成长为中国地穴探险的先锋,中国探洞界一姐。她是2016美国国家地理年度探险人物评选中国区十大提名探险家之一,中国第二深竖洞纪录保持者。 Jia Liu has been caving since 2004, and become the pioneer of cave exploration in China. She is the record keeper of the second deepest vertical cave, and was nominated one of the top ten explorers in China by National Geographic in 2016.

刘静芸 Liu Jingyun

刘静芸,当代舞者,擅长环境即兴与接触即兴。 Liu Jingyun, contemporary dancer, profession in environment improvisation and engaging improvisation

半落 Banluo

半落,曾为海军航空兵军官,在北海舰队、东海舰队服役。现为究径止语徒步创始人,在国内开辟了24条9-10天的止语徒步线路,结合重要历史文化节点,陪伴中国年轻人在行走中了解自己,感受中华。 Banluo,a former naval aviation officer, spent 27 year trekking and has designed 24 historical and cultural trails in China.

孙玲 Sun Ling

Sun Ling is called "Inspiring Influencer" by media. Born and raised in a small village in Loudi, Hunan Province, she was forced to drop out of junior high school at the age of 12. She failed in college entrance examination at the age of 19, and worked as a barber apprentice and in a assembly line. Realizing that she needed to change at the age of 20. After 10 years of unremitting efforts, she finally got where she is right now-- a programer working at Google. 媒体称孙玲为“励志网红”,出生成长于湖南娄底一个小村镇的她,12岁经历初中被迫辍学、19岁高考失利,当过理发学徒、工厂流水线生产女工。 在意识到需要改变自己的20岁,她用全部家当自主学习完成软件编程、掌握英语能力,在10年时间的不懈努力之下,她成功申请到美国留学,现作为程序员在美国Google工作。

张之杨 Zhiyang Zhang

张之杨,独立建筑师,深圳“局内设计(Ingame office)”创始人/主创设计师。 Zhiyang Zhang, independent architect, founder and main designer/architecture of Ingame Design

罗朗 Michael Rosenblum

罗朗,主厨,作家,环保主义者。美国驻中国大使馆两任大使的行政总厨及官邸总管, 《美食与美酒》杂志2016年中国100名最具影响力的人物之一。 Michael Rosenblum, chef, writer & environmentalist, was the executive chef and official residence manager of the two ambassadors of the United States Embassy in China, and one of the 100 most influential people in China in 2016 by Food and Wine Magazine.

葛庆飞 Qingfei Ge

葛庆飞10年来投身基础教育研究,针对现在教育的弊端,独创了一套全新的教学理念,经过上百孩子的配合测试,逐渐形成了覆盖从小学到高三的全套全科融合式教学体系。其创新教育的理念近期开始引起多家媒体的关注,并成功入围央视逐梦年代栏目,成为中国企业品牌创新的代表。 Qingfei Ge works on basic education research for 10 years. Targeted on problem and drawback on current education mode, he creates an innovate teaching ideology, which tests through over hundreds of children. This all-subject integrate teaching ideology covers subjects from elementary school to last year of high school.

谷逍驰 Aler Gu

Inventor + Entrepreneur
谷逍驰是一名机器人爱好者,一个发明家,也是一位创业者。他是Dexta Robotics 的创始人兼 CEO,个人拥有数十项全球范围专利,现专注于构建下一代基于空间计算的通讯及交互系统。他曾入选由Facebook的天使投资人Peter Thiel遴选的泰尔奖学金20位20岁以下创业者;在22岁被授予联合国 (UNESCO) Netexplo创新奖;以及Bloomberg(彭博商业周刊) 25位25岁以下发明家与创业者。 Aler Gu is a roboticist, an inventor and an entrepreneur. He is also the founder and CEO of Dexta Robotics, a company that specializes in creating the next generation of spacial computing and interaction systems. He was a Peter Thiel 20u20 Fellowship Finalist at the age of 20; he was awarded the United Nation (UNESCO) Netexplo innovation award when he was 22; and he was the Bloomberg 25u25 Inventor and Entrepreneur.

雒晓彬 Luo Xiaobin

雒晓彬,深圳蜗牛妈妈科技有限公司创始人,拥有六年以上世界500强上市公司高管经历,从事环保NGO工作七年,环太平洋⽆塑星球联盟创始⼈之一,被大家称为“蜗牛哥”。 Luo Xiaobin is the founder of Snail Mom Technology. With the help from a group of chemists, his team designed a new environmentally friendly material to replace plastic. Xiaobin has worked in environmental NGOs for seven years, determined to eliminate plastic as his lifelong goal.

韩农 Nong Han

韩农,有机农业专家,特石生态循环有机农业产业化模式创始人,作为中国最早从事生态有机农业系统性研究和实践的企业家之一。 Nong Han, organic agriculture expert, inventor of Teshi Ecological cycle and organic agricultural model. He is one of the frontier scientists and entreprenuers who works on eco-organic agriculture system in China.

Organizing team


Shenzhen, China