x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Creating Opportunities

This event occurred on
January 21, 2016
Bukairiyah, Al Qaşīm
Saudi Arabia

TEDxSulaimanAlrajhiColleges is an independently organized TED event by a group of students at Sulaiman Alrajhi Colleges in Bukayriyah, Qassim, Saudi Arabia on the 21st of January, 2016. This event is a full-day event that emphasizes the theme of “Creating Opportunities”. This chosen theme is greatly inspired by the life of Sheikh Sulaiman Alrajhi who made lots of great achievements out of nothing in the field of business and created opportunities for others.

We are proud to host the first TEDxUniversity event in Qassim Region. We will host one hundred attendees live in our venue and a few hundreds through live streaming. Our speakers cover a large array of topics under the theme of “Creating Opportunities”. The speakers are researchers, physicians, writers, entrepreneurs, artists and much more. This independent TEDx event is operated under a license from TED.

Sulaiman Alrajhi Colleges Auditorium
Sulaiman Alrajhi Colleges, Bukairiyah, Qassim, Saudi Arabia
Bukairiyah, Al Qaşīm, 016
Saudi Arabia
Event type:
University (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Sulaiman­Alrajhi­Colleges events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Abdulhadi Karar

A creative TV host , digital designer , activist, stand up comedian as well as a social worker. A graduate of Biopharmaceutical related sciences with a double minor in life sciences and Arabic history. Mr. Karar has been studying the Arabic language and comparative religions for the last eight years in KSA. Mr. Karar is a big fan of cognitive thinking ,which he thinks can have more of an objective practicality in our daily lives. عبد الهادي كرار مقــدم تلفــاز مبدع، مصمــم رقمــي، كوميــدي مرحــي، وعامــل اجتماعــي. خريج علوم صيدلية بيولوجية وتابــع دراســته ليتخــرج كذلــك مــن فرعــي العلــوم الحياتيــة والتاريــخ . ويقــوم بدراســة اللغــة العربيــة والأديــان خـلال الســنوات الثمانية الماضية في المملكة العربية السعودية. مهتــم بشــكل كبير بالتفكير المعرفي ويظن أنه بالإمكان تطبيــق ذلــك بخطــوات حياتنـا اليوميـة في عملية موضوعية ومدروسة.

Abdulrahman Sandokji

Industrial Engineering graduate from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals. Founder and CEO of VIZYON | Creative Media. Sandokji is the director of the documentary “Phosphine” and “Wa Mahyaya Program 1 & 2” on MBC. His goal is to be one of the world’s leading producers of positive entertainment industry and related products by developing the most innovative, creative, and profitable expertise. درس الهندســة الصناعيــة مــن جامعــة الملــك فهــد للبترول والمعــادن. مؤســس ومديــر العمليات في VIZYON Creativ Media. مخرج الفيلم الوثائقي "فوسفين" وبرنامــج ”ومحيــاي 1 و2 "عــى قنــاة MBC. هدفه أن يكون أحد المنتجين الرائدين في العالم في صناعة الترفيه الإيجابي والمنتجات ذات الصلة من خلال تطوير الخبرات الأكثر ابتكارا وإبداعا وربحية.

Afiq Amran

Afiq Amran is a graduate of Sulaiman Al Rajhi College of Medicine and is currently undergoing his internship year. An aspiring surgeon, who hopes to fulfill his dream of becoming a Paediatric surgeon. In addition, Afiq is interested in humanitarian work particularly in field of global relief and development as well as nonprofit management issues. When he is not busy fighting ills, checking thrills or prescribing pills he enjoys downtime with family and friends along with a couple of good books!

Ahmed Edlbi

حصل على درجة الماجستير في الإعلام والاتصال الجماهيري ويعمل حاليا في شركة تسويف ومستشار لعدة منظمات مهمة. أسس شبكة دوبارة، وهي عبارة عن منصة دعم اجتماعية تدعم السوريون حول العالم في عدة محلية. Obtained a Masters Degree in Media and Mass Communication and currently working in Branding domain, and consultant for several important organizations. He established Dubarah Network, a creative community support platform, works to support Syrians around the world in several local community domains. Through his conviction in the power of social welfare and his beliefs that every human deserves to live a dignified life, Edilbi works to foster a self-determined, encouraged and motivated community.

Amjad Al-Jenbaz

د. أمجد الجنباز.. طبيـب أسـنان لـم يتمكـن مـن حـب مهنــة الأســنان وتوجــه إلى إدارة الأعمال. حاصـل عـى ماجسـتير في إدارة الأعمال MBA. يحــب تبســيط المفاهيــم الإدارية من خلال الكتابة والتدريب، وله كتابان في ريادة الأعمال. يعمــل حاليــا كمستشــار إداري في شركة TeamOne. Dr. Amjad Al-Jenbaz.. A dentist who could not love the dentistry and turned to management. He holds a master’s degree in business administration (MBA). He likes to simplify the administrative concepts through writing and training, and has two books in entrepreneurship. He currently works as an administrative consultant at (TeamOne) company.

Faris Bukhamsin

Faris Bukhamsin.. A senior medical student in University of Dammam, and a passionate reader of science every day. He believes that changing for the best is an inevitable fate for all of the world’s societies, and aspires to be a part of that change. He works in the Scientific Saudi initiative to spread the scientific culture in the Arab region, and to bring the knowledge to Arabic language as Arabs have done before.

Hassan Al-Mogbel

Hassan Abdullah Al-Mogbel.. An excellent medical student, has presented some courses and lectures about (how to choose your specialty smartly), (the effective presenter) and (how can we avoid some diseases like diabetes and heart problems). When he was diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, he decided to find a cure for this disease. He has a huge media effect, and he is using the social media programs like (youtube, what’s app, snapchat and others) to improve the health awareness in his community. He has changed so many diabetic patients, making their blood sugar more controlled by improving their knowledge about diabetes and the ways to live with it. One of his sayings is, “in this life, there is no fixed rules! Each person creates his own rules“.

Mahmoud Haddad

طالب استهواه الطب وألهمه فتعلمه، يطمح بأن يكون جراح عظام يساعد بمهنته جرحى الحروب وكبار السن والرياضيين وكل من هم بحاجه له. بعيدا عن اهتماماته العلمية والدراسية، يعشق محمود عالم الأعمال والشركات منذ الصغر، يؤمن بأن كل شاب مبدع في شيء معين وأن هذا الشيء يمكن تحويله وتجسيده في مشروع ريادي يكون مصدر دخل إضافي للشباب.

Mohammed Saad

ناشط اجتماعي في حقوق المكفوفين ومدرب تقني. حصل على عدة شهادات في الحاسب الآلي والهندســة الصوتيــة وفــن التوجــه والحركـة لفاقـدي البـر. لـه نشـاط اجتماعــي ضخــم عــى مواقــع التواصــل الجتماعيــة يهــدف إلى التوعيـة بفاقـدي البـصر والمطالبـة بحقوقهــم وتصحيــح المفاهيــم المغلوطــة عنهــم. أقــام عــدداكبيرا مـن الـدورات التدريبيـة للمكفوفين والمكفوفــات عـلى اســتخدام الأجهـزة الذكيـة والهندسـة الصوتيـة والتصوير الفوتوغرافي. يهدف من وراء هــذه النشــطة إلى أن يوصــل رسـالة لمجتمعـه مفادهـا أن العجـز في العقل والتفكير وليس في مجرد فقد البصر. A Social activist for the blind rights and a technical coach. He holds several certificates in computer, audio engineering, orientation art and mobility for blind people. He organized many training courses for blind people to help them use smartphones, photography and sound engineering. He aims by these activities to tell people that the loss of sight is not a disability. The real disability comes in poor mindset.

Organizing team

Al Kalaji
