x = independently organized TED event

Theme: Big Bang

This event occurred on
May 17, 2015
12:00am - 6:00pm UTC
(UTC +0hrs)
Shanghai, Shanghai

Education is an eternally immutable topic. It can not only be the olive branch symbolizing peace, but also the atom bomb triggering a world war; it can make the society not only the Peach Garden and Utopia but also an gloomy and cold desert; it can not only be the catalyst for human beings’ progress but also a huge stumbling block. How to make the world more colorful and rich? Education is the only answer.
Education never fails to be the focus of society. This time, we divide this topic into ten different fields, each of which is open to speakers who have close ties with education. We hope in their collision of the spark of thought, people can learn independent thinking, carry out an explosion of thought or even be enlightened as to life.

Shanghai, Shanghai, 200072
Event type:
Education (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Wenhui­Rd­E­D events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Peter D. Rogers

Peter is a former student life professional with years of experience in leadership training and development at several universities in the United States. He’s also an experienced and polished consultant, educator and public speaker who has addressed wide-ranging audiences on a variety of topics both throughout the United States but also Central America and the Caribbean.Major areas of expertise are in the psychology of leadership, the psychology of spirituality and the role of gratitude and mistakes in helping to shape a purposeful life.

Rodney Josephson

Rodney is an experienced generalist with a diverse level of experience across the food and beverage, hospitality, retail, and real-estate development; technology; training and educational fields in major industrialized and emerging markets of North America, Europe and Asia. He has worked from basic positions into management, leadership and as owner of businesses. He is a cross-cultural expert and top communicator and motivational speaker in diverse working environments.

东豪 夏



原名周中强,作家,编剧,新浪微博知名博主,超过500W 粉丝,铁粉们都热情地称呼其为“痞叔”,他发起的话题#失眠签到#在新浪微博上创下了超过2亿的阅读量,另外还有#痞人推荐#等话题栏目。已出版畅销小说《青春有张不老的脸》。同时,他也是投资公司董事,伙伴印象创始人。青春有张不老的脸,你又会有什么样的故事?这一次在TEDxWenhuiRd 让我们一起倾听痞叔分享他的故事。

悠悠 董

毕业于法国埃克斯马赛大学艺术史专业,精通英语和法语,并掌握一定的拉丁语和古希腊语。曾任中法文化交流协会秘书长,法国阿尔勒“阿尔勒竞技场修复项目”文物修复人员。 董小姐出生在烟雨的俏江南,落根在浪漫的欧罗巴;读的是会计文凭,爱的是艺术芬芳。一张机票逃离众人的眼光,前往他乡寻找诗和远方。这一次,董悠悠又会来为我们讲述怎样的浪漫故事呢?

曼文 郭

斯坦福大学教育科技硕士,目前正在创业,项目名称是“我的实验室”儿童科技动手的创新型教育。(我的实验室提供专为儿童打造的科技动手创新型教育。从小培养主动创造的思维方式,创造的能力、习惯,以及对科技知识的了解和应用。) 儿童,科技,教育……一切与未来无限可能相关的要素都集中在了这位斯坦福高材生和她的项目上,而这次她将从专业知识和自身经历出发,为我们带来如何实现自我教育。从5月17开始,你的未来也有无限可能。

Angela Luo

非盈利组织“有的玩”成员之一,致力于教育中国家长和孩子如何培养运动习惯,将运动与玩乐结合,全面提升中国孩子的身体素质和综合能力。有的玩用创新的方式开放出一套应用于小朋友和家长一起做亲子活动的运动方式,通过游戏打造一个让小朋友和家长一起亲自运动的平台。 生活就像“有的玩”组织logo一样是个立方体,每一面都需要被关注,那么你有多久没有出门运动,没有关注一下自己的身体和心灵了呢?无论你是想重返十二岁,还是想motivate自己的孩子;是想重获充沛的精力还是丰盈的童心,相信Angela Lou会给你独特的建议。

Ben Ivey

效率及时间管理专家,通过教授快速记忆和速成学习的方法,致力于指导人们更有效率的工作和学习。他开创了具有改革意义的中文学习网站One Pink Elephant,并著有 How to Dominate Any Exam 。 他坚信“Happiness is not a destination. It is a way of life.”并且希望能通过帮助人们更有效率的工作,从而使得更多人能达成自己的梦想,幸福的生活,甚至给身边的人也能来带一种积极的影响。

Roi Shternin

来自以色列的杰出医生,致力于健康和教育事业的发展和进步,开发了用于帮助失聪和听力受损人群的APP“Help+”,并合作开发了医疗急救设备“Prolep.si&iDefi”.为了提高人们的健康意识他还开展了 “Labriut!” (For Good Health)项目,以及另一个名叫“Hearts”的教育项目,旨在教授年轻人一些救生技能,使他们能够帮助到社会。 当得知自己患有一种罕见且难以治愈的综合征后,他一直致力于通过医疗教育,让更多人有能力去帮助别人。这次他来到了TEDxWenhuiRd,希望通过这次活动把他的理念传播出去,帮助和影响更多的人。

光辉 陈

世界陶瓷学会会员,作品被中国美术馆、浙江美术馆、广东美术馆、法国Vallauris博物馆、美国国际陶瓷博物馆等收藏。 从小到大都没有好好上过美术课?不要紧,5月17让陈老师教你 “新艺术鉴赏”。也许借助“从元青花瓷的形成看丝绸之路对中国性格的影响以及对世界艺术结构的改变”这一议题,你能参悟鉴赏艺术品的思路!

Organizing team


Beijing, China

