x = independently organized TED event

Theme: DNA

This event occurred on
November 15, 2014
12:00am - 6:00pm CST
(UTC +8hrs)

Dream is the original source of passion. Never be deprived of courage. Act with your epic creativity. It exists in our DNA!

Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Dushu Lake Higher Education Town
Suzhou, 215123
Event type:
Youth (What is this?)
See more ­T­E­Dx­Youth@­Suzhou events


Speakers may not be confirmed. Check event website for more information.

Su Miao Entrepreneur

Chinese Americans or commonly known as ABCs are often perceived as successful because they grew up in an advantageous environment and have access to better education. But as Su Miao will demonstrate, this is not often the case. Growing up in a first generation immigrant household, Su aspired to achieve beyond her humble roots and successfully became the first person in her family to receive a college degree and soon after a job in a US fortune 7 company. However, despite these “successes”, Su felt like she hit rock bottom, she was stuck in an uninspiring and tedious job and she found herself a member of the masses of the people going to and fro from work without purpose. Su left for Shanghai to seek more challenging opportunities and three years later, she finally discovered her passion in a very unlikely hobby, salsa dancing. The discovery of her passion ignited her to pursue living her life like never before including starting her own business and writing her first book. Now she is on a mission to connect others to their passions too. Find out how Su found her passion.

Leo Chen Entrepreneur

Chen Lian has 10-year experience in the field of mobile Internet. In 1999, Chen founded MindBond, which was acquired 2 years later because of its potential. After that, he headed Apple education team for Greater China and brought digital classroom and blended learning initiatives to his motherland. Today, Chen is doing his latest company called IdeaTree, which is currently working on O2O inquiry based learning curriculum and technology. He is also working with over 500 educators transforming the learning experience for students, hoping that they could enjoy the learning whenever and wherever. IdeaTree has a profound meaning of wisdom, which shows Chen’s ambition to change the future of Chinese education.

Mia Oenoto Year 2 (Bachelor) of Environmental Science

On campus, Mia is an ordinary girl. Like many other young people, she loves exciting things including sports like diving. When it comes to her profession, Mia is a distinguished doer. She became the climate leader from the Climate Reality Project Group since last March attending the South Africa Training and also the climate ambassador of the YOUNGO, the youth organization of United Nation. Mia is hoping for a green earth in the future. She needs your hands.

崔宇旗 环境设计系大三

Cui Yuqi transferred from physics to environmental design when she was a freshman, having jewelry marketing and management as minor. She is always ahead of her fellows. In 2011, Cui did translation and poetry for M50 image tunnel. A year later, she worked as chief operator of Fablab-Shanghai, which is the first fablab in China. And in 2014, Cui is doing China30s with people keen on creativity. “The creativity of society is not just for Republic, but should be with every citizen in the life.” Cui insists on the creativity of life, and is looking forward to the challenge of future.

Felicia Year 4 (Bachelor) of Biology Science,

Born in Indonesia, Felicia finished her high school and earned her International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma in Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) in Singapore. And now, she is in China to earn her Bachelor Degree in Biological Science. Aside from studying, she also teaches English and Science as a tutor, while enjoying herself through books and music. She insists that everybody should pursue his/her dream, whatever the dream is. So, what does dream mean for her? Please pay attention to Felicia’s talk on TEDxYouth.

刘书剑 宁波摩根工业设计 创始人

Talk about design, practice design, and make friends with designers. Liu Shujian is always with design, from his experience in Porsche Design (Austria) to Audi Design (Germany). He is trying to change the world through design. He thinks design is fun, and people’s life is worth being influenced by it. Morgen Industrial Design Company is just established for this concept. Liu hopes that the reform of design education would take the interest to more people, which might turn them to professional designers eventually. What is the most remarkable point in Liu’s design concept?

全杏梅 公益人

A reading promotion volunteer. This is how Quan Xingmei tagged herself. She was former chairman of Green Wind organization in the first council, focusing on village education. She has ever appeared on the scene of Black Apple Youth, Free Lunch For Children, Zigen, Dream Corps International and some other NGO activities, being volunteers. In the summer of 2013, she joined iJoin Social Innovation Management Consulting, and acted as a consultant for BeBetty VMI Project. "It starts with one." Quan believes that everyone can make the contribution to public welfare if he or she wants, since welfare is never a difficult thing for anyone.

鲁煜 高二

看芭蕾。 玩斯诺克。 去北极科考。 这些词有没有颠覆你对一个高中生生活的观念? 鲁煜,中学生大军中的一员,努力读书,却也想做 一些不一样的事情。 她的生活从来不缺乏挑战,她也愿意接受挑战。 作为本场唯一的高中女生,她的能量也许比你想象 的更多。

陈莽昆 生命科学学院 研三

在大多数人眼里,社交网络是一种消遣,一种娱乐 的方式。而在另一些人手里,社交网络却可以是一 份工作,一片创业的天地——陈莽昆就是这些人的 代表。 去年12 月,“PPT 设计前沿”刚在人人网上建 立就荣膺当月的涨粉冠军,并在之后的自媒体大赛 中斩获涨粉第一,综合第二的战绩。作为这一切的 创始人,陈莽昆的成功并非偶然,而是源于自己对 自媒体和社交网络的独到见解。 如今的他,除了继续投身社交网络之外,还受邀开 发课程和图书。 来到TEDxYouth 的盛会,他将以一个过来人的 身份告诉年轻人一些独到的经验。

刘畅 化学系 大四

面临滚蛋的大四狗、AIESEC 学校分会老大、 曾经深入神秘非洲的volunteer。这些只是刘 畅众多头衔中的一部分。 他曾经参与策划过500 人参与、为期三天的 大型活动,能力拔群;也有过在读研和工作之 间的权衡,面临所有人都必须做出的选择。 如果你问他成功的秘诀,他可以用一句话总结: 拒绝随波逐流,做最好的自己。

宋嘉磊 计算机科学 与技术学院 大四

宋嘉磊,一只92 年出生的猴子,好动和懒惰 的矛盾体。 他可以不辞辛劳地到处跑,广交友;也可以在 寝室里饿上一天,只因懒得下去买饭。 他是文艺青年?没错,他爱音乐,擅长钢琴, 熟知乐理,唱片收藏一大坨。 他真的是文艺青年?哦不,他不爱看书,写不 来文——这也配叫文青? 他是个多愁善感的男生,观察并喜好细节的美。 请原谅他这一生不羁放纵爱自由。因为他觉得, 有出息就是做自己喜欢的事情。 他是宋嘉磊。期待与你分享他的故事。

Organizing team


Beijing, China


Suzhou, China
  • Neil He
  • George Yang
  • Jordan Liu